xPal Disappearing Messages in Group Chats: Limits and Functions  

In xPal secure messenger, the feature of Disappearing Messages in Group Chats has been purposefully removed to balance and improve the user experience and avoid any chaos. 

Being one of the leading privacy policy creators, xPal messenger has incorporated incredible privacy features and services that do not compromise online experience and anonymity. 

xPal ranks privacy and user experience by implementing strong procedures to protect user data. However, it would be a one-sided approach when we just incorporate the stuff in our services without thinking of it on the level of users who use it.

With the inclusion of the best privacy measures, it is important to think of users, therefore, xPal Messenger highly focuses on client-centric approaches. 

Flicker Mode or Disappearing Messages in xPal is a privacy measure to limit the period of messages sent to the desired recipient. It is more like a short-lived message, which vanishes when someone opens it, after the set timer by the sender. 

It is available to the users in individual chats, however, it is not available in group messaging and there is a reason behind the process.

Let us understand that!

Why Can’t You Use Disappearing Messages in Group Chats?

Well, before explaining this it is important to understand the purpose of group messaging. 

While using online messaging apps, users create groups to ensure effective communication and collaboration among multiple users. This is exactly the point that groups are like various people interacting simultaneously. They exchange information, coordinate several activities, or develop communities based on similar interests or aims. Such Communication tools and texts features are for several people so that they can enjoy the service and make use of it.

However, if we talk about Flicker™ mode (Disappearing Messages), it is a short-lived message that vanishes in a set time after a person opens it. 

So, what is the point of incorporating Disappearing Messages in xPal groups where numerous people are involved?

If one person would open the messages and it would be nil for others, wouldn’t it create group chaos? 

Well, it certainly would!

Therefore, Disappearing Messages in group chats are disabled.

If we virtually understand this, when you send a disappearing message from a group chat, it won’t stay there until everyone in the group sees it. The first person, who would open it, will see and then it is gone. This can be confusing if someone has not yet joined the chat or is offline.

Furthermore, there would be responses to resend the text and uncomfortable scenarios in group messaging.  You send the texts in groups that are supposed to be seen by all the members; otherwise, you could have sent them individually. 

Therefore, to minimize misunderstanding and confusion, privacy policy creator xPal messenger disabled Disappearing Messages in group chats. 

Communication tools are an important part of the app but their presence should serve a purpose and at least would facilitate users. Important texts features are available in group chats that can be best for users; they can interact, share stuff, and coordinate whenever they want which is a necessary part of group messaging.

Therefore, while you are using xPal secure messenger, precisely the group chats and Flicker™ mode (Disappearing Messages) do not work, don’t consider it a glitch or malfunctioning. 

To maintain clarity and avoid misunderstandings, xPal has decided to deactivate this option for group talks. 

An important thing to note is that, be it individual chats or group messaging, users can benefit from strong privacy and security features such as end-to-end encryption and data-at-rest encryption.

This is all for the limitation of Disappearing Messages in group chats. You can enjoy the rest of the options in group messaging without compromising on anonymity. With xPal, you always stay anonymous!


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